
Something that few people know is that the plum tree did not originally exist naturally in nature. It was created by man in Asia several thousand years ago and spread after that all over the world.

The plum tree is a survivor that thrives most of the time, even when nature offers tougher weather. The big bonus – beautiful timber of course, but also kilos of lovely fruit.


Properties and use

The plum tree is common in Swedish gardens and is mostly planted because the tree is beautiful and the fruit is good. However, it is rarer that the wood itself is used.

Plum wood is beautiful and appears in many shades such as light yellow, brown, red, violet and green. The wood has clear annual rings with a fine pattern and is well suited for wood carving and turning or for creating smaller interior details and furniture. In the 18th century, the wood was often used to create intarsia (wooden decorations).



There are several reasons why we at AlmaForm choose plum wood. On the one hand, it is an unusual wood that is rarely used for carpentry where the unusual allows us to create unique products - we think that is good.

On the other hand, the wood is hard, but still easy to process. We also like the wood for its fine grain and for the delicious color changes.

Facts & text: Ann-Sophie Gottryder
